
During the more than 20 years, our team of researchers at the Center has written many scientific papers published in the most prestigious scientific magazines and newspapers, both nationally and internationally. Here are some of the most recent works published.
Publications by Year
During the more than 20 years, our team of researchers at the Center has written many scientific papers published in the most prestigious scientific magazines and newspapers, both nationally and internationally. Here are some of the most recent works published.
KZ Li, S. Huque, A. Martins, E. Fortunato, R. Martins, MJ Mendes, CS Schuster, Light trapping in solar cells: simple design rules to maximize absorption, OPTICA, Vol. 7 (2020), pp. 1377-1384, DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.394885
Book Chapter in “Solar Cells and Light Management – Materials, Strategies & Sustainability”
Find out more about these exciting advances in this book chapter recently published by Manuel J. Mendes and co-workers at CENIMAT-i3N and CEMOP-UNINOVA