Papers published 2006

Year 2006
  1. Elvira Fortunato, Alexandra Gonçalves, António Torres Marques, Ana Pimentel, Pedro Barquinha, Hugo Águas, Luís Pereira, Leandro Raniero, Gonçalo Gonçalves, Isabel Ferreira, R. Martins, “Multifunctional Thin Film Zinc Oxide Semiconductors: Application to Electronic Devices”. Materials Science Forum (Advanced Materials Forum III) 514-516, (2006) pp. 3-7
  2. R. Martins, Daniel Costa, Hugo Águas, Fernanda Soares, António Torres Marques, Isabel Ferreira, P.M.R. Borges, Sergio Pereira, Leandro Raniero, Elvira Fortunato “Insights on Amorphous Silicon Nip and MIS 3D Position Sensitive Detectors”. Materials Science Forum (Advanced Materials Forum III) 514-516, (2006) pp. 13-17
  3. Shibin Zhang, Z. Hu, Leandro Raniero, X. Liao, Isabel Ferreira, Elvira Fortunato, Paula M. Vilarinho, Luís Pereira, R. Martins “The Study of High Temperature Annealing of a-SiC:H Films”.  Materials Science Forum (Advanced Materials Forum III) 514-516, (2006) pp. 18-22
  4. Luís Pereira, Pedro Barquinha, Elvira Fortunato, R. Martins “Poly-Si Thin Film Transistors: Effect of Metal Thickness on Silicon Crystallization”. Materials Science Forum (Advanced Materials Forum III) 514-516, (2006) pp. 28-32
  5. Gonçalo Gonçalves, Elvira Fortunato, J.I. Martins, R. Martins “Effect of Oxidant/ Monomer Ratio on the Electrical Properties of Polypyrrole in Tantalum Capacitors”. Materials Science Forum (Advanced Materials Forum III) 514-516, (2006) pp. 43-47
  6. Luís Pereira, Pedro Barquinha, Elvira Fortunato, R. Martins “Performances of Low Temperature Annealed Hafnium Oxide Deposited at Room Temperature”. Materials Science Forum (Advanced Materials Forum III) 514-516, (2006) pp. 58-62
  7. Leandro Raniero, Alexandra Gonçalves, Ana Pimentel, Shibin Zhang, Isabel Ferreira, Paula M. Vilarinho, Elvira Fortunato, R. Martins “Role of Hydrogen Plasma on Electrical and Optical Properties of Indium Zinc Transparent Conductive Oxide”. Materials Science Forum (Advanced Materials Forum III) 514-516, (2006) pp. 63-67
  8. Pedro Barquinha, Elvira Fortunato, Alexandra Gonçalves, Ana Pimentel, António Torres Marques, Luís Pereira, R. Martins “A Study on the Electrical Properties of ZnO Based Transparent TFTs”. Materials Science Forum (Advanced Materials Forum III) 514-516, (2006) pp. 68-72
  9. Alexandra Gonçalves, Gonçalo Gonçalves, Elvira Fortunato, António Torres Marques, Ana Pimentel, R. Martins, Maria Manuela Silva, Michael J. Smith, João Bela, João P. Borges “Study of Electrochromic Devices Incorporating a Polymer Gel Electrolyte Component”. Materials Science Forum (Advanced Materials Forum III) 514-516, (2006) pp. 83-87.
  10. V. Santos, J.P. Borges, C. M. S. Ranito, E. Pires, H. Araújo, A. Marques, L. Tomás, E. Fortunato, R. Martins, Y. Nunes “Novel Multilayer Coatings on Polyethylene for Acetabular Devices”, Materials Science Forum (Advanced Materials Forum III) Vols. 514-516 (2006) pp 868-871.
  11. E. Fortunato, A. Pimentel, A. Gonçalves, A. Marques and R. Martins, “High mobility amorphous/nanocrystalline indium zinc oxide deposited at room temperature”. Thin Solid Films, Volume 502, Issues 1-2, (2006) pp. 104-107.
  12. P. Barquinha, E. Fortunato, A. Gonçalves, A. Pimentel, A. Marques, L. Pereira and R. Martins, “Influence of time, light and temperature on the electrical properties of zinc oxide TFTs”. Superlattices and Microstrucutres, 39, (2006) pp. 319-327.
  13. Jinzhong Wang, Vincent Sallet, Gaëlle Amiri, Jean-François Rommelluere, Alain Lusson, E. Rzepka, John E Lewis, Pierre Galtier, Elvira Fortunato, Rodrigo Martins and Ouri Gorochov, “Influence of the ex-situ and in-situ annealed self-buffer layer on ZnO film”. Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 3, No. 4, (2006) pp. 1010–1013.
  14. L. Pereira, H. Águas, M. Beckers, R.M.S. Martins, E. Fortunato and R. Martins “Spectroscopic ellipsometry study of nickel induced crystallization of a-Si”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol.352, issue1-9 (2006), pp. 1204-1209.
  15. I. Ferreira, E. Fortunato, P. Vilarinho, A.S. Viana, A.R. Ramos, E. Alves and R. Martins “Hydrogenated silicon carbon nitride films obtained by HWCVD, PA-HWCVD and PECVD techniques”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol.352, issue1-9 (2006), pp. 1361-1366.
  16. S. Zhang, L. Pereira, Z. Hu, L. Ranieiro, E. Fortonato, I. Ferreira and R. Martins “Characterization of nanocrystalline silicon carbide films”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol.352, issue1-9 (2006), pp. 1410-1415.
  17. G. Gonçalves, A. Pimentel, E. Fortunato, R. Martins, E.L. Queiroz, R.F. Bianchi and R.M. Faria “UV and ozone influence on the conductivity of ZnO thin films”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol.352, issue1-9 (2006), pp. 1444-1447.
  18. A. Pimentel, A. Gonc¸alves, A. Marques, R. Martins and E. Fortunato “Role of the thickness on the electrical and optical performances of undoped polycrystalline zinc oxide films used as UV detectors”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol.352, issue1-9 (2006), pp. 1448-1452.
  19. R. Martins, P. Almeida, P. Barquinha, L. Pereira, A. Pimentel, I. Ferreira and E. Fortunato “Electron transport and optical characteristics in amophous indium zinc oxide films”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol.352, issue1-9 (2006), pp. 1471-1474.
  20. L. Pereira, L. Raniero, P. Barquinha, E. Fortunato and R. Martins “Impedance study of the electrical properties of poly-Si thin film transistors”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol.352, issue1-9 (2006), pp. 1737-1740.
  21. P. Barquinha, A. Pimentel, A. Marques, L. Pereira, R. Martins and E. Fortunato “Influence of the semiconductor thickness on the electrical properties of transparent TFTs based on indium zinc oxide”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol.352, issue1-9 (2006), pp. 1749-1752.
  22. P. Barquinha, A. Pimentel, A. Marques, L. Pereira, R. Martins and E. Fortunato “Effect of UV and visible light radiation on the electrical performances of transparent TFTs based on amorphous indium zinc oxide”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol.352, issue1-9 (2006), pp. 1756-1760.
  23. H. Águas, L. Pereira, L. Raniero, D. Costa, E. Fortunato and R. Martins “Investigation of a-Si:H 1D MIS position sensitive detectors for application in 3D sensors”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol.352, issue1-9 (2006), pp. 1787-1791.
  24. J. Contreras, C. Baptista, I. Ferreira, D. Costa, S. Pereira, H. Águas, E. Fortunato, R. Martins “Amorphous silicon position sensitive detectors applied to micropositioning”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol.352, issue1-9 (2006), pp. 1792-1796.
  25. M. Fernandes, M. Vieira and R. Martins “The laser scanned photodiode: Theoretical and electrical models of the image sensor”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol.352, issue1-9 (2006), pp. 1801-1804.
  26. L. Raniero, E. Fortunato, I. Ferreira and R. Martins “Study of nanostructured/amorphous silicon solar cell by impedance spectroscopy technique”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol.352, issue1-9 (2006), pp. 1880-1883.
  27. Z. Hu, X. Liao, H. Diao, Y. Cai, S. Zhang, E. Fortunato and R. Martins “Hydrogenated p-type nanocrystalline silicon in amorphous silicon solar cells”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol.352, issue1-9 (2006), pp. 1900-1903.
  28. L. Raniero, I. Ferreira, L. Pereira, H. Águas, E. Fortunato and R. Martins “Study of nanostructured silicon by hydrogen evolution and its application in p–i–n solar cells”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol.352, issue1-9 (2006), pp. 1945-1948.
  29. Y. Xu, Z. Hu, H. Diao, Y. Cai, S. Zhang, X. Zeng, H. Hao, X. Liao, E. Fortunato and R. Martins “Heterojunction solar cells with n-type nanocrystalline silicon emitters on p-type c-Si wafers”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol.352, issue1-9 (2006), pp. 1972-1975.
  30. R. Martins, V. Chu, E. Fortunato, JP Conde, I. Ferreira, “Proceedings of the Twenty First International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors” - Science and Technology - Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal - September 4-9, 2005 Preface”. Journal of non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 352 (9-20) (2006), pp. VII.
  31. N. Martins, P. Canhola, M. Quintela, I. Ferreira, L. Raniero, E. Fortunato and R. Martins. “Performances of an in-line PECVD system used to produce amorphous and nanocrystalline silicon solar cells”. Thin Solid Films, Vol. 511-512 (2006), pp. 238-242.
  32. L. Pereira, R.M.S. Martins, N. Schell, E. Fortunato and R. Martins, “Nickel-assisted metal-induced crystallization of silicon: Effect of native silicon oxide layer”. Thin Solid Films, Vol. 511-512 (2006), pp. 275-279.
  33. L. Raniero, I. Ferreira, A. Pimentel, A. Gonçalves, P. Canhola, E. Fortunato and R. Martins. “Role of hydrogen plasma on electrical and optical properties of ZGO, ITO and IZO transparent and conductive coatings”. Thin Solid Films, Vol. 511-512 (2006), pp. 295-298.
  34. I. Ferreira, L. Raniero, E. Fortunato and R. Martins, “Electrical properties of amorphous and nanocrystalline hydrogenated silicon films obtained by impedance spectroscopy”. Thin Solid Films, Vol. 511-512 (2006), pp. 390-393.
  35. L. Pereira, H. Águas, E. Fortunato and R. Martins. “Nanostructure characterization of high k materials by spectroscopic ellipsometry”. Applied surface Science, Vol. 253 (1) (2006), pp. 39-343.
  36. S. Zhang, X. Liao, L. Raniero, E. Fortunato, Y. Xu, G. Kong, H. Águas, I. Ferreira and R. Martins. “Silicon thin films prepared in the transition region and their use in solar cells”. Solar Energy Materials and solar cells, Vol. 90 (18-19) (2006) pp. 3001-3008.
  37. JI Martins, SC Costa, M. Bazzaoui, G. Goncalves, E. Fortunato, R. Martins. “Electrodeposition of polypyrrole on aluminium in aqueous tartaric solution”. Electrochimica Acta Vol. 51 (26) (2006) pp. 5802-5810.
  38. JI Martins, SC Costa, M. Bazzaoui, G. Goncalves, E. Fortunato, R. Martins. “Conditions to prepare PPy/Al2O3/Al used as a solid-state capacitor from aqueous malic solutions”. Journal of Power Sources 160 (2) (2006) pp. 1471-1479.
  39. Jinzhong Wang, Vincent Sallet, Gaëlle Amiri, Jean-François Rommelluere, Alain Lusson, John E Lewis, Pierre Galtier, E. Fortunato, R. Martins and Ouri Gorochov “Influence of the self-buffer layer on ZnO film grown by atmospheric metal organic chemical vapor deposition”. Thin Solid Films 515 (4) (2006), pp. 1527-1531.
  40. L. Pereira, P. Barquinha, E. Fortunato and R. Martins. “Low temperature processed hafnium oxide: Structural and electrical properties”. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 9 (6) (2006) pp. 1125-1132.
  41. A. Pimentel, A. Goncalves, A. Marques, R. Martins, E. Fortunato, “Zinc oxide thin films used as an ozone sensor at room temperature”, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol. 915 (2006), pp. 243-248.