Papers published 2000

Year 2000
  1. R. Martins, V. Silva, I. Ferreira, A. Domingues and E. Fortunato. “Role of the gas temperature and power to gas flow ratio on powder formation and properties of films grown by PECVD technique”. Materials Science & Engineering B, 69-70, (2000), pp. 272-277.
  2. R. Martins, V. Silva, I. Ferreira, A. Domingues and E. Fortunato. “Role of the gas temperature and power to gas flow ratio on powder and voids formation in films grown by PECVD technique”. Vacuum, vol. 56, (2000), pp. 25-30.
  3. H. Águas, R. Martins, E. Fortunato. “Plasma diagnostics of a PECVD system using different r.f. electrode configurations”. Vacuum, vol. 56, (2000), pp. 31-37.
  4. J. Ferreira, B. Fernandes, C. Gonçalves, P. Nunes, E. Fortunato, R. Martins, J.I. Martins, A.P. Marvão. “Morphological and structural characteristics presented by the Cu-Sn-Cu metallurgical system used in electronic joints”. Materials Science & Engineering A, 288, (2000), pp. 248-252.
  5. R. Martins, J. Ferreira, C. Gonçalves, P. Nunes, E. Fortunato, A.P. Marvão, J.I. Martins. “Role of soldering parameters on the electrical performances presented by Cu-Sn-Cu joints used in power diodes”. Materials Science & Engineering A, 288, (2000), pp. 275-279.
  6. H. Águas, V. Silva, I. Ferreira, E. Fortunato and R. Martins. “Study of the effect of different plasmaenhanced chemical vapour deposition reactor configurations on the properties of hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films”. Phil. Mag. B, vol. 80, nº4 (2000), pp. 475-486.
  7. E. Fortunato, P. Teodoro, V. Silva, I. Ferreira, Y. Nunes, N. Guimarães, F. Soares, F. Giuliani, G. Popovic, W. Brener and R. Martins. “Performances of an optical ruler based on one-dimensional hydrogenated amorphous Si position-sensitive detectors produced using different metal contacts”. Phil. Mag. B, vol. 80, nº4 (2000), pp. 765-774.
  8. R. Martins, I. Ferreira, A. Cabrita, E. Fortunato. “Improvement of a-Si:H device stability and performances by proper design of the interfaces”. J. of Non-Cryst. Sol., 266-269, (2000) pp. 1094-1098.
  9. E. Fortunato, I. Ferreira, F. Giuliani, P. Wurmsdobler, R. Martins. “New ultra-light flexible large area thin film position sensitive detector based on amorphous silicon”. J. of Non-Cryst. Solids, 266-269, (2000) pp. 1213-1217.
  10. J. Ferreira, H. Seiroco, F.Braz Fernandes, R. Martins, E. Fortunato, A.P. Marvão, J.I. Martins. “Production of low cost contacts and joins for large area devices by electrodeposition of Cu and Sn”. Applied Surface Science, 168 (2000) pp. 292-295.
  11. Elvira Fortunato, Isabel Ferreira, Franco Giuliani and Rodrigo Martins, “Flexible large area thin film position sensitive detectors”. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 86 (3) (2000) pp. 182-186.
  12. R. Martins, H. Aguas, V. Silva, I. Ferreira, A. Cabrita, E. Fortunato, “Silicon films produced by PECVD under powder formation conditions”, Plasma Processing and Dusty Particles, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 382 (2000), pp. 21-28.
  13. H. Aguas, H R. Martins, Y. Nunes, M. Maneira, E. Fortunato, “Influence of the plasma regime on the structural, optical, electrical and morphological properties of a-Si: H thin films” Plasma Processing and Dusty Particles, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 382 (2000), pp. 11-20.