Rodrigo Martins @ Exame Informática


In an interview for Exame Informática nº 317, November 2021 edition, Professor Rodrigo Martins, Full Professor at FCT|NOVA and Director of CEMOP-UNINOVA and Researcher at CENIMAT|i3N, shares his vision on the explanations for the "global chips crisis".

Being involved in the development of a completely new line of materials, such as transparent electronics or circuits in biodegradable material, such as paper, the CENIMAT researcher sees this crisis as an opportunity. "We need to change the mindset. It is in these moments of cleavage that we feel the need to think differently and create new solutions," he stresses, with his characteristic optimism. "We need new solutions and we already have clues about the way forward. We don't need to solve the present in the same way we solved the past."