Welcome message

Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Martins

It is with immense pleasure that, as the Director of the Center of Excellence in Microelectronics and Optoelectronics Processes of the Institute for New Technologies' Development (CEMOP/UNINOVA), I invite you to discover CEMOP - its facilities, the activities it undertakes and it's staffs of scientist and researchers. Come find out what we have to show and offer in terms of Technological and Scientific activity, namely the projects and publications performed by us.

This way, you can see the spectacular world of thin film, semiconductor and process technologies that we work with in this infra-structure, a pioneer in Portugal in processing Microelectronic and Optoelectronic devices, in terms of Research & Development.

We have a practical sense of things, and from your curiosity you may identify in us a valuable asset, either because you wish to conduct an innovative project or simply due to your interest and fascination of this area of science. You might even become one of our research collaborators, or cooperate in some of the most advanced scientific research projects in microelectronics or optoelectronics.

Either way, feel free to browse this website and do not hesitate in contacting us if you would like any additional information.

Here you can find a video from what has inspired us to do more and better for the benefit of all.