Advanced Materials Conference 2021



To innovate in the future, the journey starts here


will be held online (free of charge) on June 16th, 2021



Today we are engaged in promoting science in favour of people comfort and welfare, together with prosperity to countries and regions. This implies to exploit the activators able to support these challenges as far creativity and innovation are concerned. In this respect, materials offer a variety of solutions that stem from or have been enhanced by the perception we have that “Materials are everywhere even in our body!”. Moreover, we must avoid residues as waste through reuse, recycling and circularity to serve a Green Agenda and bring an eco-sustainable environment, once we do not have planet B as alternative solution!

Therefore, the missions of our future have materials as the heart of our progress and cannot be thought as an isolated cluster. It has to serve, as activator several sectors and we must exploit materials on their multiple latitudes and try to make to outstanding structural of functional applications of materials and exploiting them at a nanoscale. Like a metro station where in each station we can change the lines.

The aim of this conference organized under the auspicious of the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union is to give a contribution towards the future, where for all, materials are the driven force for the transformations we aim to reach and for which a global common house is imperative to be established, aiming to boost innovation to its maxima, without compromising vital global principles of opening science to the world.



The link to the conference  will be soon displayed


>> Provisional Program HERE <<


Organized by:

Advanced Materials Cluster, IST|UL & FCT|NOVA

Elvira Fortunato | Rogério Colaço | Fátima Montemor | Paulo Ferreira

 João Paulo Borges | Pedro Amaral | Rodrigo Martins