Rodrigo Martins and Elvira Fortunato on the list of the most cited scientists worldwide

Rodrigo Martins and Elvira Fortunato on the list of the most cited scientists worldwide

The University of Standford released, at the end of 2020, the list of the most cited scientists worldwide, at the top 2% of their respective areas, which includes 22 researchers from FCT NOVA.

The list is the result of a study coordinated by John Ioannidis, a professor at Stanford University, and includes 384 Portuguese researchers, of which 30 are from Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.

The work, now released, is based on more accurate standardized citation metrics, with the purpose of combating abuse of self-citation. The number of citations allows to assess the impact and consolidated influence of a given scientist or institution in the progress of scientific knowledge.

The FCT NOVA appears on the list L. P.N. Rebelo (Chemistry), Elvira Fortunato (Materials Science), Luís M. Camarinha-Matos (Electrotechnical and Computer Engineering), Rodrigo Martins (Materials Science), Maria João Romão (Chemistry), Fernando Pina (Chemistry), Manuel D Ortigueira (Electrical and Computer Engineering), José L. Capelo (Chemistry), Marcos Raydan (Mathematics), JP Sampaio (Life Sciences), Maria AM Reis (Chemistry), Fernando Cebola Lidon (Earth Sciences), Pedro Viana Baptista (Life Sciences), Ricardo Vigário (Physics), Rita A. Ribeiro (Electrical and Computer Engineering), João G. Crespo (Chemistry), José PB Mota (Chemistry), João C. Diniz da Costa (Chemistry), João Aires-de-Sousa (Chemistry), Luís Caires (Informatics), Luís Moniz Pereira (Informatics), Rodrigo Gonçalves (Civil Engineering).

FCT NOVA is proud to have so many representatives on this list, a mark of its position as a research oriented school.

The work can be consulted here.

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