Papers published 2002

Year 2002
  1. I. Ferreira, E. Fortunato and R. Martins. “Hot-wire plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition: A deposition technique to obtain silicon thin films”. Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 91, (3), (2002) pp. 1644-1649.
  2. R. Martins, H. Águas, V. Silva, I. Ferreira, A. Cabrita and E. Fortunato. “Silicon nanostructure thin film materials”. Vacuum, 64 (2002) pp. 219-226.
  3. E. Fortunato, P. Nunes, D. Costa, D. Brida, I. Ferreira, R. Martins. “Characterization of aluminium doped zinc oxide thin films deposited on polymeric substrates”. Vacuum, 64 (2002) pp. 233-236.
  4. I. Ferreira, A. Cabrita, F. Braz Fernandes, E. Fortunato, R. Martins. “Morphology and structure of nanocrystalline p-doped silicon films produced by hot wire technique”. Vacuum, 64 (2002) pp. 237-243.
  5. I. Ferreira, A. Cabrita, E. Fortunato and R. Martins. “Composition and structure of silicon-carbide alloys obtained by hot wire and hot wire plasma assisted techniques.” Vacuum, 64 (2002) pp. 261-266.
  6. P. Nunes, E. Fortunato, P. Tonello, F. Braz Fernandes, P. Vilarinho, R. Martins. “Effect of different dopant element on the properties of ZnO thin films”. Vacuum, 64 (2002) pp. 281-285.
  7. P. Nunes, D. Costa, E. Fortunato, R. Martins. “Performances presented by zinc oxide thin films deposited by r.f. magnetron sputtering”. Vacuum, 64 (2002) pp. 293-297.
  8. H. Águas, R. Martins, and E. Fortunato. “Influence of a dc grid on silane rf plasma properties”. Vacuum, 64 (2002) pp. 387-392.
  9. Sen Mei, Juan Yang, Regina Monteiro, Rodrigo Martins and José Maria F. Ferreira,. “Synthesis, Characterization and Processing of Codierite-Glass Particles Modified by Coating with an Alumina Precursor”. Journal of American Ceramics Society, 85 (2002) pp. 55-60.
  10. V. Teixeira, H.N. Cui. L.J. Meng, E. Fortunato and R. Martins. “Amorphous ITO Films prepared by dc sputtering for electrochromic applications”. Thin Solid Films, 420-421 (2002) pp. 70-75.
  11. H. Águas, E. Fortunato, V. Silva, L. Pereira and R. Martins. “High quality a-Si:H films for MIS device applications”. Thin Solid Films, 403-404 (2002) pp. 26-29.
  12. E. Fortunato, P. Nunes, A. Marques, D. Costa, H. Águas, I. Ferreira, M.E.V. Costa, M.H. Godinho, P.L. Almeida, J.P. Borges, R. Martins, P. Vilarinho. “Transparent conductive ZnO:Al thin film deposited on polymer substrates by r.f. magnetron sputtering”. Surface and Coating Technology, 151-152 (2002) pp. 247-251.
  13. P.L. Almeida, M.H. Godinho, M.T. Cidade, P. Nunes, A. Marques, R. Martins, E. Fortunato and J.L. Figueirinhas. “Composite systems for flexible display applications from cellulose derivatives”. Synthetic Metals, 127 (2002) pp. 111-114.
  14. Francisco M. Braz Fernandes, Rui Martins, M. Teresa Nogueira, Rui J. Silva, Patricia Nunes, Daniel Costa, Isabel Ferreira and Rodrigo Martins. “Structural Characterisation of NiTi Thin Film Shape Memory Alloys”. Sensors and Actuators A, Vol. 99, (2002), pp. 53-56.
  15. 4H. Águas, E. Fortunato and R. Martins. “Role of the i-layer surface properties on the performance of a-Si:H barrier Schottky diodes”. Sensors and Actruators A, Vol. 99, 1-2 (2002) pp 220-223.
  16. I. Ferreira, E. Fortunato, L. Pereira, M.E. Costa, R. Martins. “The properties of a-Si:H films deposited on mylar substrates by hot-wire plasma assisted technique”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 299-302 (2002) pp. 30-35.
  17. D. Brida, E. Fortunato, I. Ferreira, H. Águas R. Martins. “New insights on large area flexible position sensitive detectors”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 299-302 (2002) pp. 1272-1276.
  18. A. Cabrita, H. Águas, I. Ferreira, E. Fortunato, D. Brida, L. Pereira, J. Figueiredo, V. Silva and R. Martins. “Performances of a-Six:C1-x:H Schottky barrier and p.i.n diodes used as position sensitive detectors”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 299-302 (2002) pp. 1277-1282.
  19. R. Martins, E. Fortunato, J. Figueiredo, F. Soares, D. Brida, V. Silva, A. Cabrita. “32 linear array position sensitive detector based on pin a-Si:H micro devices”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 299-302 (2002) pp. 1283-1288.
  20. L. Pereira, D. Brida, E. Fortunato, I. Ferreira, H. Águas, V. Silva, H. Águas, M.F.M. Costa, V. Teixeira, R. Martins. “a-Si:H interface optimisation for thin film position sensitive detectors produced on polymeric substrates”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 299-302 (2002) pp. 1289-1294.
  21. A. L. Kholkin, R. Martins H. Águas, I. Ferreira, V. Silva, O. A. Smirnova, M. E. V. Costa, P. M. Vilarinho, E. Fortunato and J.L. Baptista. “Metal Ferroelectric thin film devices”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 299-302 (2002) pp. 1311-1315. 66/110
  22. R. Martins, I. Ferreira, H. Águas, V. Silva, E. Fortunato and L. Guimarães. “Engineering of a-Si:H device stability by suitable design of the interfaces”. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 73, (2002) pp. 39-49.
  23. A. Fantoni, M. Vieira, R. Martins. “Influence of the intrinsic layer characteristics on a-Si:H P-I-N solar cell performance analysed by means of a computer simulation”. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 73, (2002) 151-162.
  24. Sen Mei, Juan Yang, José Maria F. Ferreira, Rodrigo Martins. “Optimisation of parameters for aqueous tape-casting of cordierite-based glass ceramics by Taguchi method”. Materials Science & Engineering A, 334 (2002) pp. 11-18.
  25. E. Fortunato, P. Nunes, A. Marques, D. Costa, H. Águas, I. Ferreira, M.E.V. Costa, M.H. Godinho, P.L. Almeida, J.P. Borges e R. Martins. “Influence of the strain on the electrical resistance of zinc oxide thin films deposited on polymer substrates”. Advanced Engineering Materials, 4, nº8 (2002) pp. 610-612.
  26. E. Fortunato, D. Brida, L. Pereira, H. Águas, V. Silva, I. Ferreira, M.F.M. Martins Costa, V. Teixeira and R. Martins. “Dependence of the strains and residual mechanical stresses on the performances presented by a-Si:H thin film position sensors”. Advanced Engineering Materials, 4, nº8 (2002) pp. 612-616.
  27. M. Bender, E. Gagaoudakis, E. Douloufakis, E. Natsakou, N. Katsarakis, V.Cimalla, G. Kiriakidis, E. Fortunato, P. Nunes, A. Marques, R. Martins, E. Fortunato. “Production and characterization of Zinc oxide thin films for room temperature ozone sensing”. Thin Solid Films, 418 (2002) pp. 61-68.
  28. H. Seiroco, M. Vicente, J. Ferreira, F.B. Fernandes, A. P. Marvão, J.I. Martins, E. Fortunato, R. Martins. New Adhesion Process based in lead free solder applied in electronic power devices. Key Engineering Materials, 230-232 (2002) pp. 92-95.
  29. A. M. Lopes, P. Nunes, P. Vilarinho, R. Monteiro, E. Fortunato, R. Martins. “Study of the sensing mechanism of SnO2 thin film gas sensors using Hall effect measurements”. Key Engineering Materials, 230-232 (2002) pp. 357-360.
  30. P. Nunes, E. Fortunato, R. Martins, P. Vilarinho. “Properties presented by ZnO thin Films deposited by Magnetron Sputtering and Spray Pyrolysis”. Key Eng. Materials, 230-232 (2002) pp. 424-431.
  31. A.L. Kholkin, S. Iakovlev, , E. Fortunato and R. Martins, I. Ferreira, V. Shvartsman and J.L. Baptista. “Optical and photoelectric properties of PZT films for microelectronic applications”. Key Engineering Materials, 230-232 (2002) pp. 563-566.
  32. E. Fortunato, P. Nunes, A. Marques, D. Costa, H. Águas, I. Ferreira, M. E. V. Costa and R. Martins. “Highly conductive/transparent ZnO:Al thin film deposited at room temperature by r.f. magnetron sputtering”. Key Engineering Materials, 230-232 (2002) pp. 571-574
  33. A. Cabrita, L. Pereira, D. Brida, V. Silva, I. Ferreira, E. Fortunato and R. Martins. “Role of the density of states in the colour selection of the collection spectrum of amorphous silicon based Schottky photodiodes”. Key Engineering Materials, 230-232 (2002) pp. 559-562.
  34. Hugo Águas, R. Martins, E. Fortunato. “The influence of the Plasma Regime on the Structural, Optical and Transport Properties of a-Si:H Thin Films”. Key Eng. Materials, 230-232 (2002) pp. 583-586.
  35. H. Águas, E. Fortunato, L. Pereira, V. Silva and R. Martins. “Role of the i Layer Thickness on the Performance of a-Si:H Schottky Barrier Diodes”. Key Eng. Materials, 230-232 (2002) pp. 587-590.
  36. I. Ferreira, P. Vilarinho, F. Fernandes, E. Fortunato and R. Martins. “influence of hydrogen gas dilution on the properties of silicon doped thin films prepared by hot wire plasma assisted technique”. Key Engineering Materials, 230-232 (2002) pp. 591-594.
  37. Patricia Nunes, Francisco M. Braz Fernandes, Rui J.C. Silva, Elvira Fortunato, R. Martins. “Structural characterisation of zinc oxide thin films produced by spray pyrolysis”. Key Engineering Materials, 230-232 (2002) pp. 599-602.
  38. Rodrigo Martins, Isabel Ferreira and Elvira Fortunato. “Growth model of gas species produced by hot-wire and hot-wire plasma assisted techniques”. Key Eng. Materials, 230-232 (2002) pp. 603-606.